[수입판매] Pepperl + Fuchs Thru-beam sensor LA29/LK29-Z-F1/31/116-SET 포토센서

- 단일 빔 게이트 보호를 위한 견고하고 컴팩트한 광전 센서
- 매우 높은 감지 범위
- 모든 주파수에서 측정 가능한 방출 간섭 없음
- 에너지 절약형 램프를 사용해도 주변광에 민감하지 않음
- 조정 가능한 타이머 기능
- 전달 범위에 액세서리가 포함된 버전
제품 설명
Thru-beam sensor
System components
General specifications
Effective detection range
0 ... 65 m
Threshold detection range
90 m
Light source
Light type
modulated visible red light , 660 nm
Alignment aid
LED red (in receiver lens)
illuminated constantly: beam is interrupted,
flashes: reaching switching point,
off: sufficient stability control
Transmitter frequency
F1 = 25 kHz
Diameter of the light spot
approx. 1.3 m at 65 m
Opening angle
Emitter 1.2°,
Receiver 5°
Ambient light limit
50000 Lux
Functional safety related parameters
490 a
Mission Time (TM)
20 a
Diagnostic Coverage (DC)
0 %
Indicators/operating means
Operation indicator
LED green
Function indicator
LED yellow:
1. LED lit constantly: signal > 2 x switching point (function reserve)
2. LED flashes: signal between 1 x switching point and 2 x switching point
3. LED off: signal < switching point
Control elements
sensitivity adjustment (Adjustment to < 25% of the effective operating range) , Light-on/dark-on changeover switch
Electrical specifications
Operating voltage
12 ... 240 V AC/DC
Power consumption
≤ 3.5 VA
Switching type
light/dark on, switchable . (selectable, light/dark switching is only activated if the receiver has 'dark on' selected.)
Signal output
Relay, 1 alternator
Switching voltage
max. 250 V AC/DC
Switching current
max. 2 A
Switching power
DC: max. 50 W AC: max. 500 VA
Switching frequency
25 Hz
Response time
20 ms
Timer function
ON delay (GAN), OFF delay (GAB), one shot (IAB), ON delay-OFF delay (GAN-GAB), programmable
adjustment range 0.1 ...10 s

사업자 정보 표시
주식회사 엠이티 | 김영삼 | 대전광역시 유성구 테크노11로 46 | 사업자 등록번호 : 314-86-33419 | TEL : 042-934-8257 | 통신판매신고번호 : 제 2014-대전유성-0334호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기