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[M.E.T TIP] 중대본 “오미크론 유행, 정점 지나 감소세…‘스텔스’ 우세종화”

안녕하세요~ (주)엠이티입니다. ​ 3월의 마지막주가 시작되었습니다. ​ 3월은 주변 코로나의 무서운 확산세와 주위에서도 코로나 확진자가 급증하면서 시간이 흐른 것 같습니다. ​ 중대본에서는 11주 만에 오미크론 유행이 정점을 지나 서서히 감소세로 전환되고 있다고 밝혔습니다. ​ 자세한 소식을 엠이티와 함께 알아볼까요? ​ “오미크론 유행, 정점 지나 감소세… ‘스텔스’ 우세종화” 보건복지부 장관은 오늘 28일 중대본 회의에서 "코로나19 신규 확진자수가 오늘 18만 7천여 명 까지 줄었다"고 밝혔습니다. ​ 다만 위중증 환자수는 지난주 월요일에 비해 늘었다고 합니다. 위중증자와 사망자 수의 증가는 정점 2~3주 후 본격적으로 나타날 수 있다고 합니다. ​ 또한, 오미크론 하위 변이인 이른바 '스텔스 오..

M.E.T/M.E.T Tip 2022.03.28

[수입판매] Phoenix Contact 2902056 Frequency transducer

Phoenix Contact 2902056 Frequency transducer - MINI MCR-2-F-UI MINI ANALOG PRO Series 피닉스 컨택트 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Overview MINI Analog Pro Signal Conditioners The Mini Analog Pro signal conditioners from Phoenix Contact are the first 6mm range with plug-in connection technology. Using the latest switching technology, applications are made quicker and easier with the signal conditioners' highly compact a..

[수입판매] Advantech BB-USOPTL4 USB Converters

Advantech BB-USOPTL4 USB Converters, High Retention USB to RS-422/485 Iso. Converter ​ ​ ​ Overview Model BB-USOPTL4 is a USB to one port RS-422/485 converters. Supporting 2-wire RS-485 or 4-wire RS-422/485 communications, these devices are great for applications requiring long range or multi-drop capabilities. Both models use pluggable terminal blocks on the RS-422/485 side. Two LEDs indicate d..

[수입판매] Advantech BB-485OPDRI Serial Converters

Advantech BB-485OPDRI Serial Converters, Triple Isolated RS-485/422 DIN Rail Repeater 어드밴텍 직렬 컨버터 ​ ​ ​ ​ Overview The 485OPDRI isolated RS-422/485 repeater is designed for rugged industrial environments. It is UL listed and certified for use in Class 1/Division 2 locations. Powerful optical isolation on both data ports protects your equipment and data from damaging ground loops and surges. Addi..

[수입판매] Phoenix Contact 2864176 Signal Duplicator 4Way Screw Connection

Phoenix Contact 2864176 Signal Duplicator 4Way Screw Connection,Unconfigured Basic Isolation MCR Series 피닉스 컨택트 ​ ​ ​ Overview Phoenix Contact MCR Series – MINI Analog highly compact signal conditioners: ​ Maximum signal quality with minimal space requirements – MINI Analog signal conditioners isolate, convert, filter, and amplify your analog signals – with a design width of just 6.2 mm. The con..

[수입판매] Phoenix Contact 2905026 Signal duplicator

Phoenix Contact 2905026 Signal duplicator;4-Way;0-24mA;0-12V;Configurable I/O;Unconfigured;configure via ​ ​ Overview MINI Analog Pro Signal Conditioners The Mini Analog Pro signal conditioners from Phoenix Contact are the first 6mm range with plug-in connection technology. Using the latest switching technology, applications are made quicker and easier with the signal conditioners' highly compac..

[수입판매] Advantech BB-485LDRC9 Serial Converters 어드밴텍 직렬 컨버터

Advantech BB-485LDRC9 Serial Converters, RS-232 to RS-422/485Converter, DIN Rail, Iso ​ Overview The BB-485LDRC9 is an optically isolated RS-232 to RS-422/485 converter. RS-232 signals interface through a DB9 female connector or a terminal block. RS-422/485 signals and power inputs connect to the terminal block. Terminal blocks are arranged to allow easy wiring inside a control panel. ​ Built-in..

[수입판매] Advantech BB-485USBTB-2W-A High Retention USB to TB RS-485 Converter

Advantech BB-485USBTB-2W-A High Retention USB to TB RS-485 Converter 어드밴텍 컨버터 ​ Overview High Retention USB to RS-485 TB Converter (USB cable included) Connect RS-485 devices to your USB port RS-485 data rate up to 921.6 Kbps USB 2.0 (12 Mbps) compatible Convenient, quick inline installation Compact size fits into laptop bags; perfect for field service USB port-powered High retention USB port gr..