HOKUYO PBS-03JN 2D LED lighting, distance measurement detection sensors
호쿠요 LED 거리 측정 감지 센서 신품 수입

HOKUYO의 PBS-03JN 2D 제품은 적외선 LED 조명, 거리 측정 감지 센서, 편리한 모니터링 영역, 반사형 광전 센서보다 안정적인 성능, 180° 측정 범위, DC24V 입력입니다. 무인밴, 환승차량, 보행자, 낙하물 감지에 적용하여 사고를 예방합니다. 스캐닝 영역을 설정할 수 있으며 3가지 출력(경보, 감속, 비상정지)이 있습니다.

product name
PBS-03JN, LED area obstacle detection sensor
Supply voltage
24VDC (18-30VDC)
Supply current
<250ma (<100ma, lighting off)
Laser light source
Infrared LED
Monitoring object and scope
300×300mm white paper; 0.2 to 3m×2m (the origin is the scanning center position), scanning angle 180°
Locale output 1
0-10m free setting (10m is not guaranteed)
Locale output 2, 3
Rectangular setting / sector setting / percentage setting
Two scanning modes
Output can be set individually for each area
< 10% of monitoring distance
Photocoupler/NPN open collector output (30VDC <50mA);
Output 1,2,3:OFF= Detected object;
Fault Output: ON= Normal Operation
Input (1-4)
Optocoupler input (common anode, each input current >4mA),
Can be used to switch monitoring areas
Monitoring area settings
Monitoring area conversion: Set the area by [input 1, 2, 3, 4];
Transmission stop: [input 1, 2, 3, 4] is ON at the same time;
Output response time
<180msec (scan speed 1rev./100msec>;
<280msec, 2 scan modes (except 100msec region conversion time)
Enter response time
Cycle: 1 scan time (100msec)
Power (green): flashes on failure;
Output 1,2,3 (yellow): Lights indicate that the object was monitored
Cable length
Environmental lighting
Halogen/mercury lamp: <10,000lx, Fluorescent: <6,000lx
Environmental temperature and humidity
-10 to +50 degrees C, < 85%RH (without condensation)
Dual amplitude 1.5mm 10 to 55Hz, 2 hours per axis
490m/s2, 10 Times, X, Y, Z Directions
Protection level
IP64 (IEC standard)
5 years (motor life)
Front: Polycarbonate, Rear: ABS
About 500g
Applicable to the detection of unmanned vans, transfer vehicles, pedestrians and falling objects to prevent accidents.

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