3BSE022360R1 DI802 3-channel digital input module 120VAC

3BSC610064R1 AI801 3BSE020512R1 AI801 8-channel analog input module 4 ... 20mA
3BSC610065R1 AO801 3BSE020514R1 AO801 8-channel analog output module 4 ... 20mA
3BSC610066R1 DI801 3 - channel digital input module module 24VDC
3BSC610067R1 DI802 3-channel digital input module 120VAC
3BSC610068R1 DI803 3BSE022362R1 DI803 8-channel digital input module 230VAC
3BSE031155R1 DO801 3 - channel digital output module 24VDC
3BSE071500R1 DO802 3BSE022364R1 DO802 8-channel relay output module, normally open 24-230VAC
3BSE018103R1 SD831 3BSC610064R1 SD831 power supply, 3A
3BSE030220R1 SD832 3BSC610065R1 SD832 power supply, 5A
3BSE018106R1 SD833 3BSC610066R1 SD833 power supply, 10A
3BSE026055R1 SD834 3BSC610067R1 SD834 power supply, 20A
3BSE018144R1 SS832 3BSC610068R1 SS832 SS832 power switching unit, maximum 10A
3BSE018135R1 BC810K02 BC810K02 CEX bus interconnection module (including 2BC810,1TB857,1TK851,1TB850)
3BUA000037R1 BC820K02 BC820K02 RCU-Link and CEX-Bus connection unit
3BUA000111R1 CI853K01 CI853K01 dual RS232-C communication module
3BSE040795R1 CI854AK01 CI854AK01 Profibus communication interface module
3BSE043660R1 CI855K01 CI855K01 MB300 dual port communication module
3BSE048845R1 CI856K01 CI856K01 S100 I / O communication module
3BSE049110R1 CI857K01 CI857K01 INSUM communication module
3BSE056767R1 CI858K01 CI858K01 DriveBus communication module
3BSE056899R1 CI862K01 CI862K01 TRIO communication device module
3BSE066485R1 CI862K02 CI862K02 redundant TRIO interface module and connection cable, G1 coating
3BSE066490R1 CI865K01 CI865K01 Satt I / O communication equipment module
3BSE082895R1 CI867K01 CI867K01 Modbus TCP interface
3BSE082896R1 CI868K01 IEC61850 communication module
3BSE066495R1 CI869K01 CI869K01 AF 100 communication interface module
3BSE018157R1 CI871K01 CI871K01 PROFINET IO communication interface module

3BSE018160R1 CI873K01 CI873K01 Ethernet / IP communication interface module
3BSE018161R1 PM851AK01 PM851AK01 (including TP830, TB850, TB807)
3BSE018164R1 PM856AK01 PM856AK01 (including TP830, TB850, TB807)
3BSE031151R1 PM858K01 PM858K01 controller unit
3BSE031150R1 PM858K02 PM858K02 redundant control unit
3BSE050198R1 PM860AK01 PM860AK01 (including TP830, TB850, TB807)
3BSE050199R1 PM861AK01 PM861AK01 non-redundant packaging, (including TP830, TB850, TB807, TB852)
3BSE0 76355R1 PM861AK02 PM861AK02 (redundant controller) (including 2PM861AK01, TK850, TK851)
3BSE081638R1 PM864AK01 PM864AK01 Non-redundant packaging (including TP830, TB850, TB807, TB852)
3BSE053241R1 PM864AK02 PM864AK02 (redundant controller) (including 2PM864AK01, TK850, TK851)
3BSE053242R1 PM865K01 PM865K01 controller unit
3BSE018172R1 PM865K02 PM865K02 redundant controller unit
3BSC950193R1 PM866K01 PM866K01 non-redundant packaging, (including TP830, TB850, TB807, TB852)
3BSC950194R1 PM866K02 PM866K02 redundant field controller (including 2PM866K01, TK850, TK851)
3BSC950263R1 PM867K01 PM867K01 controller unit
3BSE057022R1 PM867K02 PM867K02 redundant control unit
3BSC630049R1 PM891K01 PM891K01 controller unit
3BSC950192R1 PM891K02 PM891K02 redundant controller unit
3BSC950262R1 SB822 SB822 external rechargeable battery module
3BSC950201R1 TB850 TB850 CEX bus terminal (pin type)
3BSC950356R1 TB851 TB851 CEX bus terminal (hole type)
3BSE057021R1 TB852 TB852 redundant controller connection terminal
3BSC950375R1 TB853 TB853 RCU Control Link
TC562 TC562 short distance transmission modem
3BSE084257R2500 TK850V007 TK850V007 CEX bus extension cable
3BSE084257R50 TK851V010 TK851V010 redundant controller connection cable
3BSE084257R500 TK853V020 TK853V020 Modem cable
3BSE084262R60 TK855 TK855 RCU data link cable
3BSE084260R60 TK856 TK856 RCU data link cable
3BSE084259R1000 TK857V003 TK857V003 RCU data link cable
3BSE084259R200 2500 Signals 2500 points
3BSE084259R2000 50 Signals 50 points
3BSE084259R500 500 Signals 500 points
3BSE084259R5000 Compact HMI 800 6.0 Base License Compact HMI 6.0 core license

3BSE084261R1 Compact HMI 800 6.0 Product Box Compact HMI 800 6.0 product package
3BSE064644R1 HMI Operator Workplace Client - 1000 Signals HMI Operator Station Client - 1000 points
3BSE008516R1 HMI Operator Workplace Client - 10000 Signals HMI Operator Station Client - 10000 points
3BSE052604R1 HMI Operator Workplace Client - 200 Signals HMI Operator Station Client - 200 points
3BSE008544R1 HMI Operator Workplace Client - 2000 Signals HMI Operator Station Client - 2000 points
3BSE036456R1 HMI Operator Workplace Client - 500 Signals HMI Operator Station Client - 500 points
3BSE040662R1 HMI Operator Workplace Client - 5000 Signals HMI Operator Station Client - 5000 points
3BSE051306R1 HMI Smart Client Workplace - Client 1-10 HMI Smart Client Client - Number of clients 1-10
3BSE028925R1 License dongle for USB Port USB authorized dog
3BSE023675R1 AI810 8-channel analog input module, 4 ... 20mA
3BSE039293R1 AI815 8-channel analog input module, 4 ... 20mA, 0 (1) ... 5V., HART
3BSC690071R1 AI820 4-channel analog input module, 1 ... 5v
3BSC690141R1 AI825 4 channels, -20..20mA, 0 (4) .. 20mA, -10..10V, 0 (2) .. 10V, electrically isolated
3BSC690086R1 AI830A 8-channel analog input module / thermal resistance Pt100
3BSE038415R1 AI835A 8-channel analog input module / thermocouple / mV
3BSE052605R1 AI843 8-channel analog input module / thermocouple / mV, redundant
3BSE008546R1 AI845 8-channel analog input module, redundant, HART
3BSE045584R1 AI880A 8-channel high-integration analog input module, redundant, HART
3BSC690072R1 AI890 8-channel intrinsically safe analog input module
3BSC690087R1 AI893 8-channel intrinsically safe temperature measurement module
3BSE022366R1 AI895 8-channel intrinsically safe analog input module, HART
3BSE038540R1300 AO810V2 8-channel analog output module 4 ... 20mA
3BSE041882R1 AO815 8-channel analog output module, 4 ... 20mA, HART
3BSE031694R4000 AO820 4-channel analog output module 4 ... 20mA, 0 ... 10v
3BSE008508R1 AO845A 8-channel analog output module, redundant, HART
3BSE008552R1 AO890 8-channel intrinsically safe analog output module
3BUR001454R1 AO895 8-channel intrinsically safe analog output module, HART
3BSE069052R1 CI801 Profibus DP communication module
3BSE008512R1 CI801KIT CI801 Toolkit
3BSE008550R1 CI840A Redundant Profibus DP communication module
3BSE036373R1 CI840KIT CI840 Toolkit

3BSE069054R1 DI810 16-channel digital input module 24VDC
3BSE013210R1 DI811 16 channel digital input module 48V
3BSE013212R1 DI814 16-channel digital input module 24VDC current source
3BSE020836R1 DI818 32 channel digital input module 24VDC
3BSE028586R1 DI820 8-channel digital input module 120VAC
3BSE013088R1 DI821 8-channel digital input module 230VAC
3BSC690073R1 DI825 16-channel relay digital output module, normally open
3BSE008510R1 DI828 16-channel digital input module 120VAC / DC
3BSE013258R1 DI830 2-channel pulse input RS-422, Current, 5V, (12V), 24V
3BSE069053R1 DI831 8-channel pulse or frequency measurement module, can be redundant, 20KHz
3BSE008514R1 DI840 16-channel digital input module, redundant, 24VDC
3BSE013250R1 DI880 16-channel high-integration digital input module, 24VDC
3BSE069055R1 DI885 8-channel digital input module 24 / 48V d.c., SOE
3BSE020838R1 DI890 8-channel intrinsically safe digital input module
3BSE028602R1 DO810 16-channel digital output module 24VDC
3BSC690074R1 DO815 8-channel analog input module 4 ... 20mA
3BSE013228R1 DO818 32 channel analog output module 4 ... 20mA
3BSE028926R1 DO820 16-channel digital input module module 24VDC
3BSE038407R1 DO821 8-channel digital input module 120VAC
3BSE018173R1 DO828 8-channel digital input module 230VAC
3BSE072270R1 DO840 16-channel digital output module 24VDC
3BSE038226R1 DO880 16-channel high integrated digital output module, 24VDC
3BSE008534R1 DO890 4-channel intrinsically safe digital output module
3BSE008536R1 DP820 2-channel pulse input RS-422, Current, 5V, (12V), 24V
3BSE008538R1 DP840 Pulse count or frequency measurement module, redundant or non-redundant
3BSE013208R1 FS801K01 CI801 firmware upgrade tool
3BSE036634R1 SM811K01 Safety CPU module Security CPU module
3BSE061637R1 SM812K01 Safety CPU module Safe CPU module, with PM867 use
3BSE037760R1 SS823 SS823
3BSE022464R1 TB805 Module bus outlet
3BSE021437R1 TB806 Module bus line
3BSE021439R1 TB807 Terminating resistance
3BSC630197R1 TB820V2 Module bus fiber optic receiver
3BSC950004R1 TB825 Fiber optic converters, multimode
3BSC950089R1 TB826 Fiber converter, single mode
3BSC950089R2 TB840A Module bus fiber receiver base, redundant I / O
3BSC950089R3 TB842 Module bus fiber optic transmitter
3BSC950107R1 TB845 Redundant module bus outlet
3BSC950107R2 TB846 Redundant module bus line
3BSC950107R3 TK212A Programming cable
3BSC950118R1 TK527V030 Interface cable, 3 m TK527V030 interface cable, 3 meters
3BSC950118R2 TK801V003 Module bus connection cable, 0.3m
3BSC950118R3 TK801V006 Module bus connection cable, 0.6m
3BSE035990R1 TK801V012 Module bus connection cable, 1.2m
3BSE039025R1 TK811V015 Double plastic optical fiber, 1.5m
3BSE013230R1 TK811V050 Double plastic optical fiber, 5m
3BSE013231R1 TK811V150 Double plastic optical fiber, 15m
3BSE013232R1 TK812V015 Single plastic optical fiber, 1.5m
3BSE036714R1 TK812V050 Single plastic optical fiber, 5m
3BSE013233R1 TK812V150 Single-mode plastic fiber, 15m
3BSE069209R1 TU805K01 TU805K01 terminal block for DI801, DO801, two / three-wire connection

3BSE068891R1 TU807 TB840 / TB840A base with 1 TB807
3BSE013234R1 TU810V1 Compact terminal block, 24VDC
3BSE013235R1 TU811V1 Compact terminal block, 230VAC
3BSE038726R1 TU812V1 TU812V1 compact terminal block, 50V
3BSE040364R1 TU813 TU813 compact terminal block, 250V
3BSE013236R1 TU814V1 TU814V1 compact terminal block, 50V
3BSE013237R1 TU818 TU818 compact terminal block MTU, 50V
3BSE013238R1 TU819 TU819 compact terminal block MTU, 50V
3BSE008572R1 TU830V1 Extended terminal block, 24VDC
3BSE046966R1 TU831V1 Expansion terminal, 230VAC
3BSE020846R1 TU833 Extended terminal block
3BSE020848R1 TU834 Extended terminal module for AI880 / AI880A
3BSE020850R1 TU835V1 TU835V1 extended terminal block for AI810 with insurance
3BSE021443R1 TU836V1 TU836V1 extended, for DO820, DO821, with insurance 2 * 4
3BSE021445R1 TU837V1 Extended terminal block, 250V
3BSE021447R1 TU838 Expansion type, 2 * 4 insurance, 16-channel terminal
3BSE022460R1 TU839 TU839 expansion module base
3BSE022462R1 TU840 Module bus fiber receiver base, redundant I / O
3BSE042558R1 TU841 Module bus fiber receiver base
3BSE042560R1 TU842 Redundant module terminals, horizontally mounted for AO / DI / DO84X
3BSE050930R1 TU843 Redundant module terminals, mounted vertically, for AO / DI / DO84X
3BSE068782R1 TU844 Redundant module terminals, horizontally mounted for AI845
3BSE069964R1 TU845 Redundant module terminals, mounted vertically, for AI845
3BSE069966R1 TU846 Mounting base (for redundant CI840 / redundant I / O)
3BSC690075R1 TU847 Mounting base (for redundant CI840 / non-redundant I / O)
3BSC840157R1 TU848 Module bus fiber receiver base
3BSE023607R1 TU849 Module bus fiber receiver base
3BSE033670R1 TU850 TU850 expansion module base, 50V
3BSE056980R1 TU851 TU851 expansion base, MTU, 250V
TU852 TU852 module base for redundancy, 50V
TU854 TU854 module base for redundancy, 50V
TU890 Intrinsically safe terminal blocks