B&K Precision 603B
Battery Capacity Analyzer with Record Storage for SLA Batteries, 6 V & 12 V

B&K Precision expands its popular line of handheld battery capacity analyzers with the introduction of the new 603B. This model was designed to test 6 V and 12 V sealed lead acid (SLA) batteries up to 100 Ah in size and is powered by the battery under test. The redesigned user interface features a bright display and allows users to quickly and accurately gather battery measurement parameters including voltage, remaining capacity and internal resistance. Once connected to a battery, the analyzer immediately displays the open battery voltage. When the battery's ampere hour rating (Ah) is entered, the voltage under load, state of charge and internal resistance are displayed. In quick test mode, the analyzer displays these results in mere seconds.
The 603B includes a number of new features not available on the existing models 600B and 601B.
Measurement Recording
Battery information and measurement data are recorded with each test. The internal database can record important jobsite information like the type of control panel and its location as well as the battery serial number and temperature. All measurements are recorded with date and time stamp. The ability to compile and review snapshots of measurement recordings over time is key to understanding a battery's life expectancy.
Twist-Lock Test Leads
The unit includes two sets of interchangeable twist-lock test leads, one designed for smaller tab battery terminals and one for larger screw terminals.
Charger Circuit Test
The charger circuit test feature provides additional information about the charger regulator circuit, displaying both the open voltage (VO) and the voltage under load (VL).
The 603B's built-in database stores battery and location details, test configuration, and measurement data within the 50 battery records available in the unit. These records are easily transferred to a computer, which allows for storage of an unlimited number of record sets. The included application software is used to upload and download record sets. The resulting measurement data can then be viewed or exported in spreadsheet format for detailed analysis.
Features & benefits
Test 6 and 12 volt batteries up to 100 Ah
Test both open and loaded battery voltage
Powered by the battery under test (no need to replace battery)
Fast test cycle time for quick sorting of batteries
Measurements are stored to internal memory
Pre-load up to 50 test configurations from the computer via USB
Test configurations include site, panel, battery information and more
Add or edit records using the key pad or remote computer
Real-time clock for date and time stamp of measurement records
Export record data to a CSV file for further analysis
User configurable Pass/Fail criteria
Built-in charger circuit test
Twist-lock test leads can be changed in seconds
Field programmable DC load for testing system output circuits
3 user configurable SOC tables for each voltage
Closed case calibration and firmware updates via USB